HotelsByDay has introduced an app to enable travelers to book short-term, intra-day stays at hotels in New York City and other major cities © 2015 Karen Rubin/news-photos-features.com
NEW YORK – A new travel technology company, HotelsByDay, has launched aiming to facilitate booking flexible, same-day hotel stays in top U.S. markets. The technology provides access via mobile app on I-Phone and Android, and online, to short-term rooms available in New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Washington, DC, which new cities added every month.
The service is geared to business and leisure travelers to work comfortably, refresh after a long flight, enjoy a daycation in a luxury hotel or to simply upgrade from the crowded coffee shop to a business class experience.
Intra-day rooms – that is, staying between check out and check in time – can be booked via mobile apps for Android and iPhone or through the website HotelsByDay.com.
“Prior to HotelsByDay, there was not an easy or affordable way to book an upscale hotel for less than a day,” said HotelsByDay co-founder Yannis Moati. “Younger travelers want spontaneity and instant access to last-minute bookings via their mobile device. The HotelsByDay app offers a sleek and easy way to peruse and find a hotel tailored to each individual traveler’s needs, from free WiFi and a spacious desk to a posh rooftop pool and bar.”
Founded by an experienced team of hotel and travel technology leaders, HotelsByDay has uncovered a sharing economy opportunity that benefits the hospitality industry by marketing clean, empty rooms to mobile travelers. Defined as the time between early check-outs and late check-ins, the intra-day segment is an estimated $20 billion global market. In the U.S. alone, 23 percent of hotel rooms are empty each night, and 11 percent more are available for intra-day bookings due to early check-outs/late check-ins. That results in 34 percent of all U.S. hotel rooms being available for intra-day stays.
The HotelsByDay app offers a sleek and easy way to find and book intra-day stays in 3-, 4- and 5-star hotels in New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia and Washington, DC. HotelsByDay will add intra-day inventory in Los Angeles, Miami and Fort Lauderdale in March, with San Francisco, Boston, Atlanta, and Charlotte soon after.
The HotelsByDay mobile app uses geo-location to display intra-day rooms based on the user’s location. The easy-to-book interface means a last minute reservation is only seconds away. Users can browse hotels by time available, location, amenities and price. Intra-day stays are generally morning, mid-day or afternoon and range from four hours to eight hours depending on hotel availability. Travelers also have the option of booking up to two months in advance via the app or website.
Top use cases include:
Business Travelers in need of a quiet, private room to:
- Work remotely from on a business trip
- Participate in a conference call in a secure environment
- Prepare for a presentation
- Recover and refresh from a red-eye flight
- Work or nap while waiting for a late night flight
- Work in between meetings
- Shower and change after a run while on the road
Leisure Travelers and Day Trippers:
- Family travelers in need of a quiet room for kids to nap or simply downtime
- Shoppers in need of a place to rest and/or store purchases
- Eventcationers in the city for a concert, gala, or sporting event who need a place to freshen up and change
- Cruisers needing a place to rest pre- and post-cruise
- Place to rest while waiting out a long layover
- Oasis for a staycation
The short-term bookings can be made via mobile apps for Android and iPhone, or online at HotelsByDay.com.
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