Climbing Mt. Liamuiga in St. Kitts. USTiA’s TRIP site offers helpful hints on traveling safely outdoors and in national parks, in the US and abroad © 2014 Karen Rubin/news-photos-features.com
What services do US embassies provide abroad?
How can you recover from jet lag?
How do you ensure your safety in a new destination?
Where should you sit in a plane to avoid motion sickness?
These are among the questions in a “TRIP” travel quiz from the US Travel Insurance Association. Based on information from TRIP, www.trip.ustia.org, — a consumer web site devoted to educating the public on “Traveling Responsibly, Informed, and Protected” — the TRIP savvy quiz helps travelers gauge their knowledge on practical matters ranging from travel security to health. Each question links to an article answering the question, and a key at the bottom of the quiz provides correct answers at a glance.
The quiz can be found on the TRIP website where readers can also access more than 100 travel articles and tips such as:
Difference between a Travel Warning and Travel Alert
Travel Safety in the Outdoors and National Parks
Which Items to Pack in Your Carry-On
How to Replace Your Passport if it is Lost Abroad
How to Minimize the Risk of Losing Your Checked Luggage
Five Simple Steps to Minimize Jet Lag
Tips to Avoid Getting Sick on a Cruise Ship
An initiative of the US Travel Insurance Association (UStiA), TRIP was created to empower people to travel safely. An insider’s guide to travel health, safety and security, TRIP is a one-stop compendium containing helpful links to travel resources, reader polls, and a content library searchable by keyword.
The site was launched in response to a survey conducted for UStiA, where 60% of Americans said that safety and security concerns would influence their choice of an international travel destination. The same survey revealed that 46% of Americans rank health concerns as a factor when choosing a destination.
Being armed with the latest information provides a level of security and confidence for travelers, as does having travel insurance, advises the UStiA. Travel insurance can help protect your vacation investment in case you have to cancel or interrupt a trip for reasons such as illness or natural disaster. In addition to covering situations such as illness and injury when on vacation, or delayed or lost baggage, comprehensive travel insurance also provides a wide range of assistance services. These can include evacuating travelers in cases of emergency, and help with obtaining replacement passports in case of loss or theft while traveling abroad.
To learn more about travel health, safety, and security and more information on travel insurance and a listing of UStiA members, visit www.ustia.org. Videos explaining travel insurance and medical evacuation are available by visiting the UStiA YouTube channel or by keying in ustravelinsurance on YouTube.
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